If you want to add code yourself, you can use our PHP class to communicate with NOC-PS:

require_once ('/path/to/modules/addons/nocpsforwhmcs/autoload.php');

$handler = new nocps_Handler ($pid, 'pid'); // replace $pid with tblhosting.id
// OR: $handler = new nocps_Handler ($serverId, 'serverId'); // replace $serverId with tblservers.id
$NocpsLoginDetails = $handler->getInstance()->login; // Contains the NOC-PS login details and server id. Usually you don't need this.
$api = $handler->getInstance()->api;

// https://www.noc-ps.com/downloads/PXE_API.html
// Execute API call like:
// $api->getAvailableBandwidthData($mac);

If you have multiple NOC-PS servers, only the appropriate instance (based on $pid / $serverId) will be returned.

By default, this class caches the most responses from NOC-PS. The cache is seperated per WHMCS server id, means if you have 2 NOC-PS servers, the module will create a dedicated cache for each server.
To disable the cache, you can use the following method to disable the cache for all queries from the same instance:


You can set this in the code at any time, even before creating the class instance.