If you want to change the status of products automatically, the following module functions are available:

getProductState'product', $pidReturns status of product as array
setProductState'product', $pid, $state$state must be on or off
getAllHiddenProducts'product'Returns all hidden products as array

The argument "product" is not a variable, but a fixed string. To leave open further integrations into the module for us, for example an integration of domains, the keyword "product" is passed.

To use the functions, first an instance of the class must be created. Example:

require_once ('/path/to/modules/addons/hideproducts/autoload.php');

$pid = 1234;

try {
    $hideproducts = new dpl_hideproducts ();
    $getProductState = $hideproducts->getProductState ('product', $pid);
    var_dump ($getProductState);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

The module throws an exception if the license is invalid.

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