Important Note

Officially, NOC-PS no longer supports ISO files. However, the NOC-PS API still offers the ISO feature. In tests with different servers no problems could be found and the NOC-PS ISO function works without issues.

Virtual servers can be only booted from ISO files if networking is not setted to Virtio. NOC-PS does not support Virtio for ISO boots, the network device will not be found.

You can import ISO files into your NOC-PS installation and assign the files to your ACL groups. 
Your clients can boot the ISO file via the client area and access it via VNC. This works for dedicated servers and virtual servers (VPS).

At the page "ACL Groups" you can activate the ISO boot feature for the desired groups. You need to assign the ISO file to an ACL group and also enable the ISO boot feature at the ACL group setting page.


  1. Insert the CD into the NOC-PS server or mount the ISO into the virtual CD drive. 
  2. Select the NOC-PS server where you have mounted the ISO file. 
  3. Press Import

Client area usage

Clients can select the added ISO files at the client area, the VNC address will be shown when the client starts from an ISO.

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