Mail Examples are available on this page

The module is a drop-in replacement for the default WHMCS reminder system. Thereforce you can use all default WHMCS mail variables.

Subject Variables

The subject can be totally customized at the module admin page.

%domain%Name of single domain
%total_expire_amount%Amount of expiring domains
%total_domain_amount%Amount of all active domains

If multiple domains expires, the defined amount between the tags will be listed at the subject.

<ifmore>... %remaining_count% ...</ifmore>With the "ifmore" tag you can show a numeric value of the not listed domains
%days_until_expiry%Amount of days until expiry
%days_until_nextdue%Amount of days until next due
%days_after_expiry%Amount of days after expiry, if the domain is expired
%registrar%Will output your domain registrar
%expiry_date%Formatted domain expiry date
%next_due_date%Formatted next due date
%reg_period%Amount of registration period years

Body Variables

In addition to the default variables the following variables are available for the mail body text:

{$all_domain_count}Amount of all active domains of the client
{$all_invoice_links}Array of invoice links for all domains related to the mail. If no invoice exists, the variable is empty
{$domain_list}Array of all domains related to the mail
{$renew_link}Link to "clientarea.php?action=domains#tabRenew"
{$invoice_link}Invoice link to each domain.
{$invoice_id}Invoice ID for each domain.
{$domain_count}Amount of expiring domains.

Number of the reminder type. "1" for first reminder, "2" for second reminder, and so on

{$Multi}"Yes" if the reminder contains multiple domains. Can be used for singular / plural expression