Since version 1.5.0 it is possible that you show the descriptions on the invoices. The most important information at a glance:

Activation of descriptions on invoices 

To enable this feature, open the module settings and activate the function. You can decide whether to add the descriptions for products, domains, or both.

Language file customization

By default, the words "Your description:" are placed in front of the description. This can be customized via the language file and you can add words before the description as well as after the description. The variables you can adjust are as follows:

$_LANG['cpd_invoiceDescriptionPrefix'] = "Your description:"; // left of the description.
$_LANG['cpd_invoiceDescriptionSuffix'] = ""; // right of the description. empty by default

You can create a separate language file for each language. The module will check which language is set for the client and add the description in that language - provided there is a corresponding language file. If no language file exists, the module will fall back to the default language file (English).

At the end of this page you will learn how to create an override language file so that your changes will not be overwritten during an update.

Adding break lines

You can add more line breaks via the language file by inserting a "\n" at the beginning or at the end. An example:

$_LANG['cpd_invoiceDescriptionPrefix'] = "\nYour description:\n"; 
$_LANG['cpd_invoiceDescriptionSuffix'] = "\n\nSome text";

This will result in following output: